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Jason Eldred


Professionally Jason Eldred works as lead game designer for Funcom, on their new Dune IP, and has worked previously for industry acclaimed studios Bethesda Game Studios, BioWare, and Irrational Games.

However, each night at the stroke of midnight he transforms into a ravening novel-writer to scrawl words onto a silicon tablet, praying that they congeal into a meaningful work of art. After fifteen years, two books have emerged from a cloud of inspiration and coffee fumes.

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For their help and support, I would like to thank: God, my muse; my wife, who spared my time for years and read the ugly early versions; Neil Pollner, my first professional beta reader; Jennifer Reaves, my first editor; Carol Wuenschell, for my first full-manuscript critique; Colin Campbell, for his wonderful illustration of Dún Dreanór, exactly as I imagined it; and my wonderful beta readers. You all are the best.

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© 2021 Jason Richardson

Banner image: Colin Campbell

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